Sunday, January 8, 2012

36 weeks

How Far Along
: 36 weeks
Size of Baby:Crenshaw Mellon
Total Weight Gain: 30 pounds... guess we had a growth spurt?! I'm SUPER swollen all the sudden too-- yay water retention!!
Maternity Clothes: for sure!
Gender: baby girl! Alexandria Rae Sulak
Movement: still very active.
Sleep: Sleep is more difficult these days- I have to get up to pee 1,000 times per night. K, so it's more like 5...
What I Miss: being able to exercise
Cravings: None really- so boring!!
Symptoms: Swelling like crazy- I have pitted edema (where your skin stays indented if you push on it).. kinda creepy.
Best Moment this Week: Just knowing we're so close to getting to meet our baby girl!