Monday, September 13, 2010


Wreaths are one of my favorite things to make. They're fast, inexpensive, festive, and fun!

A little sneak peak:
You can use any color tissue paper...I used zebra and orange. Cut rectangles out of tissue paper- mine were about 4 in x 6 in. Stack about 8 on top of each other, and fold them into a zig-zag.
After you've folded into a zig-zag, tie a knot in the center of the tissue paper.... I used dental floss- for no reason, other than that's what was close.
Start pulling the tissue paper towards the floss string. Pull one side, then the other. When you've done both sides, you will have a flower. Now, make a bunch more!Hot glue onto a grapevine wreath! I added little skeleton heads that I found at DOLLAR TREE(!), and the spiders are from Target (last year).

I think Fritz likes it:)


  1. So cute. I've never really decorated for Halloween before, but I have so so many great ideas (like this one!) that I think it's time I start.

    Thanks for linking to Messy Monday. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. :)

  2. Very cute love the black white and orange, way to go. Jen

  3. This caught my eye at "Anything Related". I'm having a link party on Friday...hope you'll link up !

  4. That is the best Halloween wreath that I have seen yet!! Lovin' it!

  5. What a creepy wreath! It looks great! Thank you for stopping by and sharing it with us at Anything Related!

  6. flipping cute! gosh, I need to get in gear and start decorating. awesome!

  7. This is so stinking cute! I love your idea of the floss, I mean string.

  8. Thanks for all the sweet comments:) Y'all are wonderful! So excited to finally have a blog!

  9. I love it!!! It spooky and cute at the same time.

    And I love Fritz! I have a cat named Fritz (although we call him Fritzy). :)

  10. So fun and creepy! I am loving it!

  11. So cute!
    You should come link this up at my Making It With Allie Party!

  12. Oh this is totally presh!!! I just love that you used zebra! How fun is that! Way to go girly! I have a love affair with wreaths myself and I'm so going to create one of these little dolls! Thank you so much for showing it off at my link party! It's a hit!
    Happy weekend sweets,
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrou Decor~

  13. Love it! Are those skeleton heads rings? They look bigger than the skeleton head rings I've seen around but I guess those would work if I can't find bigger ones like the ones you used. Thanks for linking up.

  14. Thanks! They aren't rings, they are about 2 inches big. They came in a package of about 12.

  15. I can't find a place to email you at and have a question about how you made the small thumbnail boxes with each day you link. Can you email me at ktbright7@aol (dot) com? I'd like to do something similar on my blog instead of posting all the links on each of my post! ;)Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

  16. Thanks for linking up! Make sure and leave a comment so you're eligible for the giveaway :)

  17. Cute wreath.

  18. Totally spooky! I LOVE it! Thanks for linking to CRAZY CUTE! See you next week! ;)

  19. I love Halloween... really cute wreath, even cuter doggie!

  20. Fun! I like the contrast between the orange and black & white papers. Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!

  21. so cute, love that wreath. i love your header, too, with your travels. i have a great photo that i took of stonehenge when i was there, and i blew it up to poster size in black and white, and it hangs in my dining room.

  22. so flippin cute! i'm your newest follower

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Kat, what a great Halloween craft! I'd love to feature it on PurpleTrail's party ideas blog {}
    Email me if you are interested! Cheers, Leslie

  25. Hey Kat! I stumbled on your blog one day while browsing for Halloween ideas and fell in LOVE with this wreath! I made one of my own(similar, but not near as cute as yours)and gave you credit on my blog. Thanks for the super cute idea!:)
