Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blog award

I won 2 blog awards this week! SO EXCITING!!

The first one is from Maryanne @ Scrappy Gifts...kinda love her blog!!!

Rule for the award:
1.Post who it was that gave you the award.
2.List 10 things that you like.
3.Give this award to 10 other blogs and let them know with a comment!

10 Things I Like:
  1. My wonderful husband
  2. My wonderful family
  3. Friends
  4. My dog, Gracie Bear
  5. Fall weather
  6. Fires in the fireplace
  7. Cupcakes
  8. baking
  9. Playing Basketball or Volleyball
  10. Blogging
10 Happy Blogs:

1. Sweet November
2. Oopsey Daisy
3. Young and Crafty
4. These Creative Juices
5. Craft-O-Maniac
6. Joy is at home
7. The Speckled Dog
8. Making Memories...One fun thing after another
9. Pittypat Paperie
10. Crafting in the Closet


  1. Thanks! I am so excited! This is my first award :)

    Crafting In the Closet

  2. Thanks for the award!

    Hannah @

  3. Aww, you just made my day! I have long admired your blog, so this is quite an honor! THANK YOU!

  4. Your SO SWEET! Thank you so much!!!

  5. Thanks so much for the award! You made my day! =o)

  6. Thank you so very much for the award, I am so flattered, MUCH APPRECIATED. jEN

  7. Thanks for visiting me over at Pittpat Paperie and leaving the nice comment and thanks so much for the award. I love blog awards Ü
