Tuesday, August 2, 2011

14 weeks

I know...my hair looks awesome. I'll teach you how;) HAH

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 14 weeks
Size of Baby: a lemon
Total Weight Gain: 1 pound
Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing some tighter fitting maternity shirts...they make me feel like I look pregnant..and not just pudgey:)
Gender: Have to wait until 16 weeks..less than 2
Movement: too early..can't wait for this!
Sleep: My OB said it was okay to still be sleeping on my back/stomach...so, sleep has been a little better.
What I Miss: nothing:) I feel so blessed
Cravings: still just cheese....
Symptoms: only threw up twice this week! YES! Feeling pretty good!
Best Moment this Week: My glider came in...sooo comfortable!! And...ordering our stroller..SO excited for it to arrive!

On another note...sorry for the lack of baking posts.. I'll try to be better!!

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