How Far Along: 20weeks (and I'm actually 20 weeks still..aren't you proud of me?!)
Size of Baby: Week 20: Cantaloupe- 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces (a few days shy of 20 weeks, she was weighing in at 10 ounces...sooo tiny!!)
Total Weight Gain: 7 pounds
Maternity Clothes: a mix of both..
Gender: baby girl! Alexandria Rae Sulak
Movement: The movement has picked up quite a bit in the last week. I can only feel her if I'm sitting perfectly still. Can't feel anything on the outside yet.. pooor Ray:( She was moving around like a mad woman during her sonogram...the tech had trouble keeping up with her.. guess she takes after her mama;)
Sleep: I Love it!!
What I Miss: Strawberry Daiquiris
Cravings: still just cheese....
Symptoms: My hernia has probably trippled in size since the beginning of the pregnancy. It now looks like I have an outtie...but really it's just my intestines popping out. lovely, ehh?
Best Moment this Week: seeing our sweet baby girl:)Total Weight Gain: 7 pounds
Maternity Clothes: a mix of both..
Gender: baby girl! Alexandria Rae Sulak
Movement: The movement has picked up quite a bit in the last week. I can only feel her if I'm sitting perfectly still. Can't feel anything on the outside yet.. pooor Ray:( She was moving around like a mad woman during her sonogram...the tech had trouble keeping up with her.. guess she takes after her mama;)
Sleep: I Love it!!
What I Miss: Strawberry Daiquiris
Cravings: still just cheese....
Symptoms: My hernia has probably trippled in size since the beginning of the pregnancy. It now looks like I have an outtie...but really it's just my intestines popping out. lovely, ehh?