picture isn't the best...did it w/ the self timer on the old camera.. oh well.
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby: Papaya-- 12 inches and 1.3 pounds
Total Weight Gain: 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes: a mix of both..mostly maternity
Gender: baby girl! Alexandria Rae Sulak
Movement: all the time...
Sleep: I Love it!!
What I Miss: Strawberry Daiquiris and sleeping on my stomach
Cravings: I'd say the cheese craving has gone away..now it's ice water
Symptoms: hernia pain and my back aches sometimes..that's about it
Total Weight Gain: 14 pounds
Maternity Clothes: a mix of both..mostly maternity
Gender: baby girl! Alexandria Rae Sulak
Movement: all the time...
Sleep: I Love it!!
What I Miss: Strawberry Daiquiris and sleeping on my stomach
Cravings: I'd say the cheese craving has gone away..now it's ice water
Symptoms: hernia pain and my back aches sometimes..that's about it
Best Moment this Week: Ray got to feel her kick:)